
20. 信托为养老提供更多市场化选择 《国际金融报》2020-03-29Link

19. 复旦金融公开课 2020-04-07 看电影 学金融 系列之一 “高华声:卖方的‘大甩卖’就是买方的抄底良机吗?”Picture)

18.   交银中共财富景气指数发布会即全球疫情蔓延下的中国经济应对
2020-03-19 Picture)

17.   复旦金融公开课 2020-03-03 “高华声:疫情之下,产业的线上转移趋势及其对于产业结构调整的影响中”

16. 复旦金融公开课 2020-02-21 “高华声:中小企业复工的核心逻辑是‘寅吃卯粮’”视频Picture)

15. 解码财商2019-04-26期 “高华声:资本市场投资的四大误区”视频

14. 解码财商2018-12-11期 “高华声:你读的是高质量财报吗?”视频

13. 解码财商2018-11-27期 “高华声:打中新股一定赚钱吗?”视频

12. 警惕企业债券违约-民企上市公司成新增违约主体? 中国经济周刊,2018年6月4日封面文章 (PDF)

11. 出生在哪个省份的女孩更可能成为高管?(听伴)

10. CCTV-4中文国际频道《远方的家》一带一路 知名学府在南洋(央视网)(YouTube)

9.   Neither Rigged Nor Fair, The Economist, June 25, 2016(PDF)

8.   The Morning Risk Report: Why Firms Overpay Executives, The Wall Street Journal, March 23, 2015. (PDF)

7.   Determinants of Corporate Cash Policy, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, July 7, 2013.

Do women really hold up half the sky in Chinese firms?   China Business Knowledge (中国经商智慧), October 11, 2013. (PDF)

5.   Social Science Palooza III, The New York Times, December 10, 2012 (PDF)

4.    Born on the fourth of July? You probably won’t be CEO, The Wall Street Journal, October 30, 2012 (PDF)

3.    Best and worst months to be born if you want to be the boss,Time, October 26, 2012   (PDF)

2.   Places of worship, not financial institutions,Today, June 21, 2010 (PDF)

1.   Why great CEOs are born in July? Maclean's, August 6, 2008 (PDF)